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Rules with Portrait View Charts, 234 black ink inner pages, Softcover

Rules with Landscape View Charts, 232 black ink inner pages, Softcover

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Rules with Portrait View Charts, 234 black ink inner pages, Softcover
The otherwise-identical rulebook comes in nine different formats & features (8 printed & 1 PDF):
1) Binding (D & H are hardcovers, A, B, C & L are softcovers & perfect-bound), F & G are coil-bound
2) Ink black & white or color pages, page count & paper weight from 55-80#
3) Charts' view (Portrait or Landscape). Because of the layout, Landscape has 232 pages.
Choose a letter code to order & click the button below the description. For an explanation of the above (3) features, click here.

All available now: Softcover, Perfect-bound Editions (A, B, C & L); Hardcover (D & H) & Coil-bound (F & G are via Lulu). All printed items are 8.5x11". #=pounds, the weight of paper stock—order by Code Letter above. PDF version is available in Landscape only (no Portrait).
Discounts: Lulu discount codes are available at the bottom of our web pages. Zazzle runs sales. If you buy more items at once, Amazon may offer free shipping.
The PDF rulebook includes all 45 game reference charts (called pull-outs) in Landscape View, hundreds of in-text and indexed hyperlinks. The PDF rulebook has the letter code P; click the button below to order via Wargame Vault and get it Toot Sweet (that's French for immediate download).
All printed rulebooks include a complete set of 45 game reference charts (pulled-outs) in either Portrait or Landscape View (though the latter have 232 pages). The rulebooks are letter-coded A through G, vary by binding, and whether inner pages are in black ink only or color. The pull-out charts provide all the tables and vehicle and weapon statistics needed to play the game. Click Features to see more about the rulebook & play aids.
The above table (when crossed out) shows the estimated eventual retail price. Amazon's standard color options (C & L) is unavailable in Australia & Japan. Hardcover takes 2-3 weeks (the last we looked). Softcover just a few days.
Besides the interior color, chart view, and binding, each rulebook is identical, consisting of Tractics' first edition, errata, modifications, and new 2022 updates by Mike Reese. The primary focus is World War II, skirmish, platoon, or company level. Model scales: from 6mm to 28mm. Model vehicles and towed guns each represent individual weapons. Some gamers base figures individually, but many have several soldiers on a team or squad base (blog post about this).
CHART SUPPLEMENTS each of the 4 below includes a complete color set of Tractics 45 pull-out charts (rules, weapon & vehicle stats tables) found in the back of the rulebook but in color. They are in either Portrait or Landscape view. These softcover booklets have charts only and do not have the rule pages.
Chart Supplement #1 perfect-bound booklet, 90 pages, includes the same Landscape-View 45 pages of charts as the 232-page rulebook but in premium color and blank page backs. You could cut the spine off the booklet and paste the pages relevant to you on a wall or place them in sheet protectors and a 3-ring binder. Find ideas and suggestions at: blog.
Chart Supplement #2 perfect-bound booklet, 50 pages, includes the same 45 pages of Portrait-View charts as the 234-page rulebook but in premium color. Key differences with Chart Supplement #1: the 16 Vehicle Data are enlarged to 133% onto two facing pages for larger print (10.6 points instead of 8 points). The 29 non-vehicle charts are printed "2-up" per page—but 5% larger than in the rulebook's end-of-section charts (smaller margins in this booklet). This portrait-orientation booklet is designed to be readily handheld. This booklet has charts only and does not have the rule pages of the full ruleset.
Chart Supplement #3 booklet, 46 pages, includes the same 45 pages of Landscape View charts as the rulebook but in premium color. Like Chart Supplement #1: the 16 Vehicle Data charts have an 8-point type (more prominent than the Classic edition but smallish), and the 29 non-vehicle charts have mostly 14-18 point type (there are a few notes in 11 points). Key difference: the back of each chart is not blank, and this booklet from Lulu has a coil binding designed to lay flat and allow you to flip pages quickly.
Chart Supplement #4 coil-bound booklet, 90 pages, includes the same Landscape-View 45 pages of charts as the full rulebook but in premium color and blank page backs. You can more easily tear out the perforated pages (or cut out with an X-acto knife) of the booklet than the CS1 perfect-bound booklet above and then paste the pages relevant to you on a wall or place them in sheet protectors and a 3-ring binder. Find ideas and suggestions at: blog.
Currently, there is no loose-leaf Chart Supplement. So far, we have found the sources for loose pages are slower and much more expensive than CS#1 or #4. CS#1 & CS#4 are particularly for people who want to reorganize the charts on a wall or binder, as linked above in the Wargame Campaign blog post.
JOURNALS each include 60 pages of blank lines and a small Tractics logo on each page to allow you to write in after-action reports, draw maps, insert orders, note house rules, list troops painted, scenario ideas, etc. It also includes a complete set of Portrait-View charts (like Chart Supplement 2, but these are black & white). This coil-bound book from Lulu will open up and stay flat. PLUS a complete black ink set of 45 game reference charts in Portrait view. While one might eventually get around to making an electronic album at some point, we recommend that you document the game details while being fresh, an aid to memory. We did this with many of our 70 Tractics and a few other miniatures games, and that album became a treasured item. Another risk with electronic records is that they can get lost, or the format may become inaccessible. Perhaps a paper record may last longer.
See our Combat Rules Blog and Wargame Campaign Blog for more information about the rules and download free play aids for Tractics, and click here to download the first issue of the free Tractics newsletter, Duckbills.
To play, one needs miniature models, tape measure, scale terrain, dice, D20 & D6, or a free digital dice-roller: Mac app or Google Play. To hear the latest, enter your email below and join the growing platoons of Tractics players.

Thank you for supporting Tractics! - Mike Reese & Bill Owen
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