A common question is, "What are the Differences in Tractics editions?" The short answer is that the 2021 edition incorporates all three editions:
Classic 1971/1975 (Guidon/TSR)
Little Wars magazine's Modifications, 1976
Updated 2021
So, one could have a purist or hybrid ruleset. The particulars are detailed further on these two sites:
For general updates & questions:
Enter your email address for the latest news on new rulesets and other products. The form is at the bottom of each web page.
You can ask questions of other gamers at the Tractics Facebook group (which also covers Brew Up, Fast Rules, and other bits:
One can see more commentary about the new version of the D-Day map PDF called Normandy Campaign (both available from Wargame Vault) designed for battalion-per-stand scaled games like Sam Mustafa's Eisenhower, at the Honour Facebook group,
Also, see Bill Owen's blog at https://wargamecampaign.wordpress.com.
You can also get "in comm" directly by clicking Contact Us. We recognize that many
gamers' cloth or PVC mats will likely require some custom design.
There is an FAQ section about the Combat Rules website at combatrules.com/faq.
PS The featured image of the Pink Panzers is from Bob Cordery's blog, which reminds me of the amazing diversity of wargamers. In the 70s, a guy showed up at the club with Allied tanks painted light blue and Germans pink. We had discovered back then that the Germans had switched from Panzer Grey to Dark Yellow and were amazed at his choice. "Why?" we asked. He painted them to match the colors of cardboard counters in the Avalon Hill board game, D-Day. That's a strong commitment to a concept.
